January 3, 2011

Project 365 is off to a great start. A three day great start anyway! Well, after last nights run to the airport was a no go we came home with mom and had a yummy french toast dinner. Mom and I packed the lunches and made the coffee, bathed the kids and sent them to bed for the first day of school 2011. It was nice to wake up to all the busy morning work being done. Although there was this... Mom was home all day and did so much laundry for me the house is totally clean. The sky's parted and she was able to make it out this afternoon but we will miss her for sure. On a roll the lunches are packed and coffee made, as well the cloths set out for tomorrow. This week is looking great.
What Santa Brought!

From Christmas 2010

Walk in the snow on a frozen lake by the sea!
From Christmas 2010

Devon and Andy Their first Christmas married, and they spent it with us!
From Christmas 2010

Mario Caleb
From Christmas 2010

January 2, 2011

2/365 and Kodiak Weather

Guess what? It's raining! Imagine that adventures on a rainy rock equals rain blowing against the windows in sheets, then turning to snow the size of dinner plates. Actually, having no where to be or go over the holiday weekend kept us cozy indoors and it was really nice to relax. We read, built legos, played a few games and watched movies. A perfect way to end our Christmas Break.
Took the Grandma to the airport tonight to catch her flight home, with no flights leaving the island on the first we weren't very optimistic, and by the time we made it to the airport it had rained, hailed and snowed(huge flakes!) When we arrived the flight desk assured us that every flight had made it in that day so we should be good to go. Alas, no luck was had and Grandma got to come home and spend one last night with us.
That reminds me that tomorrow is back to school and work for everyone. I am actually looking forward to seeing my kiddo's again and the kids need to get back to a regular routine. So tonight the clothes are laid out, lunches are made, everyone is freshly bathed and the coffee is on auto brew.


Pic 2/365 1/02/11 Peach and Caleb at the airport in SNOW!

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January 1, 2011

New Year and a New Project

Project 365 is a photography project where you take one photo a day for 365 days. Mostly they are random pics of whatever to document the year and give a snapshot of your year in just one picture. I hope I can keep up on it, I know I start a lot of projects but I really want to get to know my camera (maybe get a new one!) and try to hold on to these years that are slipping by so quickly. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. So here it is the first pic of 2011 on 1/1/11